PhD Talent Stakeholder meeting – the new Stakeholder Engagement Panel

22 November 2023, 15:00-18:00, VUB, Brussels

The five Flemish universities make it their goal to facilitate a two-yearly thematic exchange, with a specific focus on talent transfer, between the broad Belgian labour market and academia.

The objective is to close the gap between PhD talent on the one hand and companies and organizations that wish to capitalize on the added value of the PhD degree on the other hand – through inspiring discussions as well as concrete actions.

After a deep reflection of all stakeholders on the future of the Stakeholder Engagement Panel, the PhD Talent coordination team is thrilled to share with you its new approach, allowing for a better and more effective unlocking of talent as well as a clear delineation of the services that can and cannot be offered to companies and organisations.

Why participating as a company/organization (representative)?

  • To be kept abreast about the different initiatives through which to reach out to PhD holders of the 5 Flemish universities.
  • To meet and exchange with other PhD-friendly companies and organizations

Why participating as a PhD/postdoc (representative)?

  • To learn how to make conscious career decisions based on fruitful exchanges with peers and companies and organizations.
  • To represent your community of PhD candidates and postdocs during meetings with companies and organizations.


  • 15:00 Words of welcome
  • PhD Talent Stakeholder meeting – same same but different
  • Job Shadowing – a concept that is a keeper?
  • Networking with snacks

How to sign up?

Please confirm your participation via this link

Please bring a friend! The bigger the network, the more diverse and better the exchange with others.

And do not hesitate to send us your thoughts and/or questions.

Katrien Daemen-de Gelder (UGent) & Nicole Wedell-von Leupoldt (KU Leuven) on behalf of the PhD Talent coordination team