Whether through the lens of personal background, socioeconomic status, cultural perspective, neurodiversity, and levels of literacy, …, diversity is present in the student populations in Europe. How does this diversity affect the student journey? How can the needs of all students be addressed? The conference theme concerns best practices and research in Student Support Services (S³) so that all students can enjoy a successful and fulfilling student journey.
Attention for diversity challenges S³ to reconsider the relevance of the knowledge base for S³, the attitudes towards individual student trajectories and any prior established best practices. S³ need to see the factors that impact student success to be inclusive in their approach of the students’ needs.
The diversity perspective changes the patterns of expectations of students and society towards Higher Education. Are one-size-fits-all solutions out, and flexible service delivery as a response to individual needs the norm? The conference looks at the balance between those expectations, policy choices and the internal capacity to cope with those expectations.
Registrations aren’t open yet, but keep an eye on the website for further updates. Are you currently working in or researching the field of S³, student policy, diversity and higher education is also welcome to submit a proposal and be a part of the conference as a contributor.