Stakeholder Engagement Panel - Competencies – Does PhD talent meet the workplace requirements?

24 November 2022, 15:00-19:00, VUB Brussels

The five Flemish universities aim to facilitate at least twice a year a thematic exchange between the broad Belgian labour market and the academy.

Our objective: closing the gap between PhD talent on the one hand and companies and organisations that wish to capitalise on the added value of the PhD on the other hand – through inspiring discussions as well as concrete actions.

The 24 November meeting will focus on competencies required from high potentials and competencies that PhD holders can typically offer.


15:00 Welcome 

  • 15:00 Words of welcome
  • 15:10 Tour de table
  • 15:30 What happened after the previous meeting? Initiatives launched after 26 April.

16:00 Competencies – Does PhD talent meet the workplace requirements? 

  • 16:00 Research on competences by the European Commission, by Lene Topp, Policy Analyst/EC
  • 16:15 Workshop about the core competences of high potentials and the degree to which PhDs possess these.
  • 17:45 Lifelong learning – Recent research about tackling the hurdles

What is understood by lifelong learning? And, what is important in order to be prepared for a life full of learning? How can we take into account different aspects of lifelong learning on a micro, meso and macro level? By dr. Lynn Van den Broeck, KU Leuven

18:00 Looking forward  

  • 18:00 Wrap-up – and selection of topics for the next SEP meeting

18:10 Networking  

  • 18:10-19:00 Networking

The meeting will be held in Dutch or English, depending on the participants.

Why participating as a company/organization (representative)?

  • To meet and exchange with other organizations, and learn how they look at competencies of high potentials
  • To meet and exchange with PhDs and postdocs to reflect on how early career researchers can translate their skills to meet the labour market needs
  • To learn about the latest academic insights on lifelong learning

Why participating as a PhD/postdoc (representative)?

  • To meet and exchange with other PhDs and postdocs to reflect on how early career researchers can translate their skills to meet the labour market needs
  • To discuss examples of how PhDs/postdocs can prove relevant competencies
  • To meet and exchange with companies and organizations, and learn what kind of competencies they look for in high potentials
  • To learn about the latest academic insights on lifelong learning

How to sign up?

Please confirm your participation via this link.

Please do not hesitate to send us your thoughts and/or questions.

Katrien Daemen-de Gelder (UGent) & Nicole Wedell-von Leupoldt (KU Leuven) on behalf of the 5 Flemish universities.